1Voucher is a payment system through vouchers purchased on many shops and stores in South Africa and it is valid only in this country. In practice, the voucher has a PIN and a specific value that is deducted at the purchase. If all the credit is not used, the previous voucher is cancelled and another one is created with a new PIN. Systems that take advantage of this form of payment must therefore, in addition to scaling the amount, communicate to the customer the new voucher PIN with the change.
Wi5stars supports all these features, scaling the amount from the voucher, displaying and sending the new PIN with the remaining credit via email or SMS.
Configuration Details of the Account
To activate the service on 1Voucher, proceed as follows:
- Access the page: https://api-store.flash.co.za/store/site/pages/index.jag
- Choose carbon.super.
- Click “APPLICATIONS” from the left-sidebar.
- Press “View” in the “DefaultApplication” section.
- If you want to perform payment tests, click “Sandbox Keys” otherwise go to the next step keeping “Production Keys” selected
- Press “Generate keys”.
- Press the button “Show Keys” on the top.
- Copy the “Consumer Key” and the “Consumer Secret” and then enter them in the Wi5stars at system, reseller or manager level according to your needs.
- Click “APIS” on the top-left of the page.
- Click “partner-1voucher-redemptions”.
- Click “Subscribe” on “Applications” on the right.
To enable the 1Voucher payments in Wi5stars, proceed as follows:
- Enter the 1Voucher details in “Currency and Payment Systems” (Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Purse Account Number, User Name e Password). The “Consumer Key” and the “Consumer Secret” were generated by following the steps to activate the payments on 1Voucher described above while the rest of the data are communicated directly by 1Voucher. Depending on your needs, you can define them at system, reseller and manager level.
- Activate 1Voucher payments in the “Currency and Payment Systems” of the manager.
- In the Notifications at System, Reseller or Manager level, you can define the SMS and Mail texts to send to users with the PIN of the new voucher. The system prioritizes the data defined at the lowest level (if defined in manager and reseller, it uses the manager’s data. Unless you define it at manager and/or reseller levels, it uses the one specified at system level).
- If you want to send an email with the voucher PIN, you need ask users for their email address when registering. Select your domain and activate the request on the “Data to Customize Users Registrations” dropdown menu.
- If you want to send an SMS with the voucher PIN, you need ask users for their mobile phone number when registering. Select your domain and activate the request on the “Data to Customize Users Registrations” dropdown menu.
- If you want to send SMS to users with new voucher PIN, set to zero the “Maximum Number of SMS” filed in the “SMS” panel of the domain data.