Wi5stars-Admin Interface – Initial Log In
Administrator Manual
Admin Interface – Initial Log In

To log in to the system for the first time and configure it to suit your preferences. Open the web browser of the computer connected to Wi5stars and enter in the address bar. The login page of the Wi5stars web management interface will appear.

Enter as username Admin and password 0000 then press “Enter” or “Login” button.

The first task you have to perform is changing the “Admin” password in order to customise it. Click on the “data” tab, press the context properties button of ” System” and choose “Admin’s system users”. On the right, it will appear the user management page. Press the context properties button of the “Admin” row and click “ Change password”. A new page will appear that allows you to enter your new password and to confirm it in the “Repeat Password” field. Then press on the “Save” button at the top-right to save and change the password of the Admin user.

We suggest you keep your credentials safe, as they are the only ones that allow access to the appliance in case of failure to connect to the database (it can happen if you use an external DB instead of the internal one).